So I'm sitting at my desk trying to entertain myself with the mounds of work piling up and I can't help but click through my twitter account (@swankmama) and catch up on my mom blogs and entertainment news. This leaves me thinking - should I follow my heart and do something I truly love? Quit my job and blog all day and eventually open up an online mommy/baby store catered to Canadians? That would be a dream come true for me because I would be able to spend more time at home with Lil J and watch him grow through his many future milestones.
Then, BOOM!!! Back to real life and I'm stuck looking at that teeny, tiny clock in the bottom right-hand corner of my computer screen. It reads 3:29pm. Which means I still have an hour until I can unchain myself from this desk. Countdown time is on....
Mamas - would you take the risk? Follow that saying that you only live once? I'm still young but can't help but wonder if what I'm doing now will really keep me happy in the long run.
- swankmama