
a day with gong gong (grandpa) and po po (grandma)

It was off to Gong Gong and Po Po's for Lil J yesterday and, according to my mom, they had an amazing time.  My mom gets all giddy when complete strangers come up to her and tell her that J is really cute and good-looking.  Ummm, I already know that.  I don't need a stranger to tell me that.  Ha!

So this is what the day looked like for J in a series of emails that my dad sent me:


Sleeping on Po Po

Po Po and Lil J sleeping together

Gong Gong and Lil J sleeping!

Wish my life consisted of eating and sleeping all day!!  Lil J is so lucky that he gets to spend time with his Gong Gong and Po Po occasionally.  Now if only I could get them to speak Chinese to him fluently.....

- swank|mama

PS: They are using my brother's old circa 1986 Sesame Street blanket.  Too cute!!

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