Dear Lil J,
This morning for the first time in almost a couple months (give or take - it's hard to keep track nowadays!), you woke up super happy with a million smiles and hugs for Mommy!! You had been going through a difficult, clinging phase every morning where you would scream and cry at the top of your lungs and pull and tug on my jacket as I was trying to leave for work. It was so heart wrenching. I prayed and prayed that it was just another one of your phases. You would also squirm around when I tried to change your diaper and you would resist being changed into your clothes.
I am crossing my fingers that today is the start of another phase. I am cheering you on. I love, love, love your hugs, smiles and laughter first thing in the morning. Especially since Mommy is not a morning person and I tend to be grumpy. But you put me in a wonderful mood this morning. Thank you!
I love you more than you could ever imagine.
- swank|mama