Before I had Lil J it would drive me mad whenever someone responded with "he's 17 months" instead of "he's 1 year and 5 months" whenever I asked how old their baby/toddler was. I didn't understand why people liked to respond in months. In fact, I still don't. And I respond in "months" too.
I remember I would just stand there trying to calculate what 17 months meant in terms of years. It's simple math but for a person who is not yet a parent or is not around children, it's like trying to figure out brain surgery! So why did I carry on this practice? Because it's amusing to me to see people look puzzled and try to figure out how old Lil J is when I respond in "months".
I know. I'm devious.
But as it turns out, the closer Lil J gets to his 2nd birthday, the more I tend to forget how many "months" he is. All I can remember is that he is almost two and all I can think about is his upcoming birthday party.
My baby is going to be TWO!! Time fast. Where did these first two years go? I miss him being so small, yet he is still so small. I miss his little cries, yet love when his big cries turn into hugs and kisses. I miss his little diapers, yet I cannot wait until he is fully potty trained. There are so many things Lil J did as a baby that I will miss but there are so many things to look forward to. I can't wait!

Before becoming a parent, I always laughed(probably because I was puzzled) at those who used the month system and I found myself doing the same thing. I especially chuckled when someone said their daughter or son was 24 or 36 months! Can we say 2 or 3 yrs. old!
ReplyDeleteI know right? A dad told me today that his daughter was 25 months. I've noticed that the older the baby/toddler gets, the harder it is to think in months so eventually it wears off ;)