I had considered this girl a very close friend of mine but we seem to drift apart every time she starts dating a guy. I don't hear from her and I never hear about the guy. I'll take some responsibility at the lack of communication and contact, as work and family life takes up most of my time nowadays. It takes two to tango, right?!
Anyways, my friend started dating this guy {her now fiancé} last year. I have yet to meet him and don't really know anything about him except that he's marrying my friend! How did I find out she was engaged? Through the social media darling otherwise known as FACEBOOK! Seriously! Once I found out, I quickly telephoned my friend to congratulate her but all I got was her voicemail. So I sent her a note on her Facebook page and a couple hours later, she issued her rebuttal: the standard "I was just about to call you because I wanted you to hear about it in person!". I was slightly hurt that I didn't hear it from her personally before I saw her Facebook post, but I then reminded myself that we had fallen out of touch recently and hardly saw each other.
I also remember her saying that I would be one of her bridesmaids but that decision changed, I'm guessing, when I started a family. You might be reading this post and thinking "what is she talking about?" but I do know my friend. She can be a bit snobbish, in the most discrete way, with her snide comments.
I didn't get an invitation to the wedding until I had dinner with her one night and, more than halfway though the dinner, after I expressed interest in the resort she was staying at, she said, "Oh and of course you are invited. Your family too, if you can afford it".
Excuse me? Only if I can afford it?
I was furious but could only smile at her and say, "Thanks for the invite!". Then, just last week, I finally received her formal invitation in the mail {Canada Post was on strike for a couple of weeks, resulting in a back-log of mail}. I took my time at responding and she emailed me yesterday to ask if I had received it and that she "really hopes" I can come.
Not after that comment.

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