The weekend started out with Miss S going to the island with my sister-in-law. She had an amazing time and was happy to spend it with her aunt and cousins. The best part: there was no TV in sight and the kids had to find other ways to entertain themselves. How their lives almost ended....!
While Miss S had a blast on the island, Daddy G, Lil J and I spent some quality time together with my brother and brother-in-law. We took an impromptu trip to the mall and ordered take-out pizza. It's amazing how alike my brother and brother-in-law are despite their ten year age difference. If you were able to hear their conversations, you'd be in stitches.
Next, we were off to Whistler for four days! It's our annual summer trip and the kids had a blast! I will post about our adventures after I upload photos to my computer.
Then it was off to Playland - our local amusement park. We took five kids with us and, let me tell you, it was exhausting!! I couldn't wake up this morning! I honestly don't know how my parents did it when we were younger but I give them major props.
Now, today, it's back to the grind and I know realize how much I dislike the line of work I'm in. Time for a change.....