The next thing that has been different, and totally unexpected, is my current skin condition. I've been susceptible to dry skin patches in the past during the winter months but never to this degree. I remember my brother suffered from bad eczema as a child and I would always use his cream to cure my not-so-serious dry patches. They would go away in a day or two.
I first discovered a few dry patches on my legs a couple months ago. Since I moisturize every day, I figured it would go away on its own. A month later and the patches were getting worse. The skin was darkening and getting more irritable. Finally I consulted my doctor and she said it is fairly common during pregnancy and recommended a over the counter topical ointment. I bought one and applied them to the affected spots and the patches disappeared eventually - not as quickly as my brother's 'magic' cream but it still did the deed.
A couple of days ago {much to my demise} I found a couple more dry patches and thought, 'here we go again'. It's only concentrated on my legs and funny enough, I just came across a Baby Center post about a mom complaining that she had eczema during pregnancy but only on her legs and feet. Glad I'm not the only one. I'm just hoping that my legs will be all cleared up before I rock a bikini {Kourtney Kardashian style of course!} on our upcoming trip to LA.
It could be a lot worse right? I avoided the morning sickness and all I can complain about is my eczema. At least there's a cure for that!

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