On Friday, we were too exhausted from our recent LA vacation that we retired early.
On Saturday, I had my fourth ultrasound to make sure baby was growing normally {of course baby is growing normally!}. He/she measured a bit small in the last two ultrasounds but that doesn't really come as a surprise to me. Hubby and I both have a slim build and I'm pretty sure the same thing happened when I was pregnant with Lil J as well.
After the ultrasound, we headed to our neighbourhood Costco where we relished on the samples that were being handed out {remember Costco samples as a kid? It was like a meal in itself!}. Hubby and I both had a sample of thai soup which I loved and he hated. He took two bites and threw it out while I downed the entire {small} container. Yum, I thought.
So I thought.
We then headed over to my mother-in-law's to drop Lil J off for a birthday party. I was feeling hungry again and got a bite to eat. Then we were off to the mall to look for a present for the birthday boy. I started to feel hot and a bit sick. At first, I wrote the feeling off to exhaustion and pregnancy symptoms. My stomach was rumbling so I thought I was still hungry. I ate a bun but didn't feel any better. In fact, I felt worse. I begged my husband to drive me home and continue his shopping later {did I say his shopping?}.
As soon as I got home I took a quick nap and woke up feeling hungry again. So I ate. Then I got Lil J ready for bed and as soon as he fell asleep, I knew. The closest thing to me was a garbage bin and I just hurled. And hurled.
Yep. I had food poisoning and so did my husband. Luckily for him, his case was milder than mine. My immediate thought was the baby. Was baby okay? Why isn't baby moving? I gently moved my tummy around to get a reaction...a kick..anything! At first nothing happened...then about 5 minutes later, baby started kicking, rolling - you name it. Whew! I quickly Googled "food poisoning while pregnant" and found out that there was nothing I could do. As long as I was able to hold liquids down in the next 24 hours, baby and I would be fine. Whew!
Did you go through a similar experience during your pregnancy? What did you do?

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