
our baby girl

We've been home from the hospital for a week now and the entire time has been a great, huge blur.  Lack of sleep will do that to you!  I've been meaning to post our baby girl's birth story but I have to upload some pictures onto my computer and that has been put on the backburner.  Not because I haven't had time but because my stupid brave husband took pictures of my surgery and I really do not want to look at them!

I've been mass posting pictures on my Facebook & Twitter pages via Instagram {@swankmama}.  If you haven't had a chance to see them, here are a couple snapshots of baby girl:

I still can't believe this little bean is mine!!  I'm thinking I need to come up with a moniker for her - "baby girl" or "little bean"?  What do you think?  Her name starts with a "Z" - maybe just simply "Z"?

While I ponder that thought, I'm off to the bedroom to give our baby girl what she wants the most....food!