Thinking back to the day Baby Z was born, I never thought the day she would start eating solids would come so quickly. Fast-forward five months later and it's hard to believe that in a few short weeks, I'll be pureeing peas and carrots, and mixing rice cereal for my little peanut.
While Baby Z is not quite in the transitioning phase from breast milk to cows milk, I'm very excited to share Natrel Baboo with you! Natrel Baboo is a dairy product containing fresh milk geared towards 12 - 24 month old toddlers with a balanced diet. It doesn't need to be refrigerated and is ready-to-drink, which is perfect for moms on-the-go like me! With ingredients such as Omega-3 DHA, Calcium/Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Proteins and Vitamin C, Natrel Baboo contains nutrients to ensure your toddler has a smooth transition from breast milk or formula to regular milk. You can find out more here to find out if Baboo is right for you and your child.
I'm definitely looking forward to trying Natrel Baboo with Baby Z once she's ready to transition to regular milk. Right now she's busy drooling, sucking her fingers, admiring her hands, trying to lift herself up and roll over, talking to herself and making funny noises all day long. I'm cherishing these moments now because I know that once she discovers her arms and legs, and the independence of being mobile, I'll be in big trouble! As if I didn't have to run after my three year-old all day long!
{Try It!}
Get your free sample of Natrel Baboo starting October 26th! Head on over to Natrel Baboo's Facebook page for more details. Hurry - there's only 50,000 coupons available!
Will you try Natrel Baboo when transitioning your baby to regular milk?
Disclosure – I am participating in the Baboo Blog Tour by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Natrel. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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