While we had a resident superhero in our house for a good two months, we also had two months until the big day which is very hard to explain to a 3 year old. It goes something like this:
"When's Halloween mama?"
"It's in two months, honey."
"When's Halloween mama?"
"It's not for a while, honey."
"When's Halloween mama?"
.....and you get my drift. Broken records aside, the day finally came for us to go to the pumpkin patch. This got Lil J even more worked up for Halloween because this meant we were going to carve Iron Man and jack-o-lanterns out of our pumpkins! And Iron Man it was...
Miss S also got into the Halloween spirit with her very own zombie pumpkin:
I also went all out this year and made cupcakes for Lil J and Miss S's respective classes - keeping with the Halloween theme, of course:
Sparkly pumpkins |
Mummies! |
Halloween is also a special day in our family - it's my dad's birthday! We went out for dinner at an amazing Italian restaurant where you basically get five meals in one, and it is absolutely delicious!
Finally it was time to go trick-or-treating! Of course, it ended up pouring rain so we just took Lil J up the block so he could fill his Spiderman bag with candy and tell his preschool friends about his loot of goodies the next day. We couldn't let Baby Z miss out on the Halloween traditions so we dressed her up too:
My little sweet pea |
What was your little one{s} favourite part of Halloween? Do you have any traditions that you pass down from your own childhood?

He was a very sweet Spiderman! My 4 yo HAD to be Batman..the old school blue one. His dad played along and went as Robin. We did the Yaletown trick or treat which was great as it is before dinner time. We also let him eat as many treats as he wanted to afterwards ;)