I never thought I'd be so happy to hear those three words together. This is Lil J's first year going back to school, or preschool rather. In any case, it's a good thing - for both Mommy and Daddy and Lil J. Plus, we get to go back-to-school shopping!!
Last Sunday was reserved for taking a trip to our local Sears to see what they had in store for back-to-school {pun intended!}. Over the past few months, Lil J has been more vocal about what he wants to wear and he takes the initiative to dress himself in the mornings, so I thought our shopping spree at Sears would be the perfect chance to get him to start choosing his own clothes!
Much to my amusement, Lil J chose a number of licensed character tees and I had him pick two out of the many that were on his "must-have" list. He ended up with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle long sleeved tee and a Ninjago t-shirt. I may have added a pair of grey skinnies and a Canucks tee {my brother would be so proud!}:
Even though Baby Z is clearly not going "back-to-school", I couldn't resist picking up a few fall/winter items for her. The pieces we bought for Baby Z aren't necessarily meant to go together but will be her wardrobe staples once the colder weather rolls around. Can you tell I have a slight obsession with greys and pinks?
You may be thinking why bother getting new clothes for the upcoming school year when the kids just wear them out anyways, right? Well, two of the best things about Sears is their price match guarantee and their Kidvantage Lifetime Wear Out Warranty. I mean, who wouldn't want the piece of mind that they can return any apparel or footwear that wears out as long as a child in the family can still wear it and proof of purchase is given? Plus, everything I bought was under $100! Easy on the pocketbook plus an unbeatable warranty - it's a win-win for everyone!
{Sears "Back We Go" Facebook Contest}
Sears Canada is excited to go back to school and would like to share their excitement with you! Visit and "like" their Facebook page and click on the contest tab. Fill out the entry form and you're in the running to win one of five weekly $500 Sears gift card prizes and one of 35 daily $50 Sears gift cards!
Have you started your back-to-school shopping yet? If so, we'd love to know what was/is on your must-have list from Sears Canada! Head on over to their Back To School Pinterest board and repin your favourite looks!
Disclosure: I am part of the Sears The Baby’s Room Ambassador program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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