Friday was spent unwinding with a glass of wine and an early night for hubby and I. There's something about the end of the week that just has sleep calling our names. Of course, I had to check my emails and sew some headbands. You know - just another SwankMama Friday night!
The next day, I woke up to the sounds of my kids and noticed that hubby was awake and already taking care of Baby Z! That's all I needed to see because the next thing I knew, I rolled out of bed around 10:30am. I can't even begin to describe how good that felt!
Then to make things even better, the entire family was in cleaning mode as I ventured into the living room. Say what?! Maybe I should sleep in more often...

We spent the afternoon lazing around and after nagging hubby to get out of the house, we finally did around 4 or 5pm. With no destination in mind, we headed downtown and decided to take a stroll along Robson Street but quickly second guessed ourselves as the clouds rolled in. I think the beauty about not planning things and just going with the flow makes every experience more exciting. And so, that's what we did. Hubby went off to move the car to the underground parking at Pacific Centre and I took all three kids to - where else - the new Victora's Secret on Robson Street!
To say we had fun at Victoria's Secret is an understatement. Lil J had to stop at each bench {and, trust me, there was no lack of benches - the perfect set-up for guys that are dragged along for their significant other's lingerie shopping expedition}. So then this happened:

And if all the posing {Lil J} and all the "oo-ing" and "ahh-ing" {Miss S and I} wasn't enough, a very funny situation happened in the washroom. We were happily waiting inside the washroom for the one stall that was occupied when I noticed Lil J pressing some buttons on the wall. I didn't think much of it at first because the lights in the actual washroom were fine. Then I hear this "AHHH!! AHHH!!" coming from the washroom stall. Even still, it took a while for me to figure out what was going on. Lil J and Miss S looked at me in horror pointing to the stall and then the light switches, so I quickly sprung into action and "turned on" the stall lights.
Well, I thought I did anyways.
"AHHH!!! AHHH!!".
Miss S quickly opened the door and ushered Lil J out of the washroom, and the three of us are hardly containing our laughter while overcome with complete fear that the woman was going to come running out of the stall - either with her pants down or in an indestructible rage. Of course, neither happened but as we were trying to hurry up and get the stroller out of the washroom, the big back wheels got caught while the washroom door slammed against the stroller. Miss S was almost booking it to the elevator but eventually came back to save me and Baby Z.
Finally, safe in the elevator {and actually pushing the wrong button making the elevator stall on the floor we were currently on}, we burst out into laughter. And I 'aint gonna lie. When we first went to the washroom, I didn't have to go but after the whole washroom-light-gate, I was sure I was going to pee my pants.
We met up with hubby and recounted the story to him but it just wasn't as funny. You just had to be there. In that moment.
And don't worry. I actually did turn the lights back on for the poor woman in the washroom stall.
The night ended off with dinner at JAPADOG and an entertaining visit to a local drugstore. Oh, and you can't forget our hunt for an entrance to the mall where our car was parked. Good thing there was a hotel adjacent to the mall and parkade - our only way in with a stroller!
Our Sunday could definitely be classified as a lazy Sunday. We lazed around and lazed around even more, did loads of laundry, made tons of headbands for myself, Baby Z, Miss S and my niece, and ended up at the fabric store to stock up for future sewing projects.
How did you spend this past weekend?

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