With summer coming to an end and the back-to-school madness just around the corner (or happening right now, depending on where you live), it’s hard to comprehend that Halloween is just over two months away. That’s right, Halloween!!
Lucky for us, we got a head start thanks to
Costume SuperCentre. I told Jadon that
he could choose a costume and he was dead set on getting a ninja costume. After he narrowed down his top three choices,
he ended up choosing the golden ninja costume (if you’re all familiar with my obsession
with gold, you can bet that this costume was ‘SwankMama approved’!).
My favourite feature of the costume was the
fact that it stretched. Not only was it comfortable for my newly
minted golden ninja to show off his crazy ninja moves, but it also stretched
over his shoes which gave Jadon the full effect of the Golden Ninja. Because that’s
exactly the look he was going for, if you know what I mean!
Need a second opinion with your costume purchase? Connect with Costume SuperCentre on Twitter today and they can assist you!

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